The “HEAVEN ONE” project is the first of a series of villages immersed in the nature of Costa Rica where people who share the same objectives and ideals can live in complete independence, autonomously and self-sufficiently. Over 73 hectares of land that offer the possibility of living in complete freedom, enjoying life and without having to submit to blackmail and the wishes of the system.

Table of Contents
The history of the project

For this reason the idea of a Plan B was born
For many of us it was clear that we could no longer rely on the institutions but that we had to take our future into our own hands.
The HEAVEN ONE Village was born from the consequence of having to create a place far from wars, economic crises and socialist impositions. Where each of us is the owner of a 5000 square meter corner of paradise and where we can be independent and completely autonomous.
the founder of Heaven One
More and more people see Heaven One as the place to experience their freedom.

Where the HEAVEN ONE village is located
- Latitude: 10°41’49.7″N
- Longitude: 84°30’54.8″W
Why Costa Rica?
- Fertile and self-sufficient land
- Far from Europe and Russia
- Large cities and developed services
- Strategic location in Central America
- Costa Rica has no military
- Uncontaminated nature
- Costa Rica is a Christian democracy

Insights on Costa Rica
How the Land is divided
The land has a total area of 73 hectares which have been divided into 65 parcels taking into consideration the morphology of the territory and the wooded areas.
There are 58 habitable plots with a minimum size of 5 thousand square metres each, of which up to 25% can be built following the country regulation.
Each parcel has its own unique characteristics and it will be possible to reach it by car or bike.
The lands all offer the possibility of having:
- Satellite connection with Starlink
- Access to water
- Electricity with solar panels
- Septic sewage system
- Animal husbandry
- Cultivation of vegetables
- Natural fruit trees
Commercial Area:
Each plot will be divided by a hedge which will guarantee absolute privacy in your 5 thousand square meters of land.

Photo and video gallery of the land
You are the owner of 5000 square meters of land in the most absolute nature.
Far from wars and economic crises of any kind.
Clean Air
Zero emissions from harmful airplanes and factories. Clean, breathable air.
your Plan B
A TAILOR-MADE Plan B ready for you at any time.
The Heaven One community

Your new HOME
As explained, each parcel has a minimum surface area of 5 thousand square meters. You will be able to build up to 25% of each individual plot, of which 300m2 for your personal home. Clearly each individual investor will be able to decide what type of structure to build and of what size. We offer 2 types of turnkey constructions:

Container House
25-30m2 of house ready for delivery equipped with one or two bedrooms, bathroom with shower and living area with kitchen and living room.

Prefabricated villa
We build tailor-made villas using innovative anti-seismic, fireproof and energy class technologies.
How to join the project
The project is open to anyone who has decided they want to invest in their PLAN B in a thoughtful way.
The village is open to everyone but it is clearly necessary to take into consideration the initial investment which starts from 50 thousand dollars and up and the fact that a person must be able to support themselves in Costa Rica independently.