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I decide to participate in the project: what assistance do you give?

Posted by Team Costa Rica on 15/05/2024

Behind the Heaven One village there is a team of highly qualified professionals, ready to provide assistance and support on various aspects of the project. This team includes experts in different fields, including a lawyer, who ensures that all activities and operations within the village comply with local and international regulations.

Legal support is particularly important to help land owners navigate through the bureaucratic procedures, ensuring that all purchasing and ownership paperwork is handled correctly. Additionally, the team advises on legal issues related to construction, resource management and environmental compliance, ensuring that each project is sustainable and compliant with applicable laws.

In addition to legal support, the Heaven One team includes professionals specializing in sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, engineering, and ecological design. These experts work together to create a self-sustaining living environment, integrating innovative technologies and sustainable practices to improve the quality of life of residents.

The Heaven One team is committed to providing comprehensive support to residents, helping them realize their personal projects within the village. Whether it’s building an eco-friendly home, starting an organic garden, or implementing renewable energy systems, Heaven One professionals are ready to offer advice and technical assistance to ensure the success of every initiative.

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